More Info:

As empowered women in our communities who are here to shape the world it's crucial that we stay balanced on our journey, otherwise we are not very useful for helping others anyway. 

The best support for staying balanced is to remember who we really are and make space for maintaining a healthy internal connection with self & life. That way we stay empowered, have strong personal integrity and are then less likely to wobble when faced with challenges. Support and deep nourishment also comes from being seen and acknowledged for who we are. 

We can maintain a healthy internal connection with our core self and gain clarity on our identity, through certain practices like breathwork, meditation, vision questing, even fasting.. These allow us to access a 'liminal' space where we can fully meet ourselves. Here we can also access our sub-conscious and do any necessary rewiring of our brain, thoughts, beliefs and feelings. 

The process of rewiring allows new neural connections to be made and new pathways to be formed in the brain... these are the new stories we tell ourselves! It also allows the releasing of old patterns & stories which are the lessons we need to learn in order to expand and progress on our 

'heroine's journey.'


What is a Rites-of-Passage:

A rite-of passage is significant transition we go through in life, that usually comes in the form of a 'challenge' eg. menarche, childbirth or menopause. Going through a 'passage' means we are changing from one stage of life to the next (like a butterfly). Rites of passage was also formalised.. a tradition that usually the whole village takes some part in, that is a formal ritualistic way of coming-of-age or going through a major life transition. Performed in most cultures/ countries around the globe, these important times of transition were marked and recognized by the community. 

It helps the individual to discover identity, grow, blossom and find their place of belonging within the whole. 

Rites of passage helps to shed outdated beliefs and behaviours that we can no longer take into the next phase of life eg. taking child or maiden behaviours into motherhood does not work because we have new responsibilities and need to think in different ways in order to raise a child of our own/ run our own household.

The next phase of life always requires new skills and beliefs.

Like the 'maga' phase that comes after motherhood and before crone. Marked by menopause, it requires us to once again change and step into the 'queen like' archetype that is the empowered creatress of her world. 

This phase is where we integrate together our life work and share it from a stable foundation, no longer rushing. It is the autumn time of a woman's life where she 'harvests' all her gifts.  


Even Catholic religion has rites like baptism, communion, etc. 

All rites-of passage contains three stages that are essential - the separation, the transition and the integration. The middle part, the transition is where some kind of challenge takes place to help the initiate shed their former skin, grow new capacities and then re-enter society as the new version of themselves.  

If you think of it a bit like sailing a ship and the need for a navigation system to have any idea of where we're going, formal rites of passage is like the marker system for navigating through life. It ensures we develop and transition with the right skills & capacities at the right time, so that we are as optimum as possible and able to continue to then raise the future generations in a healthy way too. Therefore ensuring the strong and in-tact continuation of people & culture.


Vision questing:

Vision quests were a type of rite-of-passage done in several cultures, in different ways appropriate to the people and the land. Most commonly known from some native American tribes such as the Great Plains people is the tradition of vision questing. Coined by anthropologists in the 19th century the vision quest is defined as "a spiritual journey belonging to Indigenous cultures in which participants, often adolescents, are said to receive sacred knowledge and strength from the spirit world."

While we are not doing a full blown vision quest here, we will use elements of the rites-of-passage process to create a safe container in which we can transition form our normal lives, through some transformation and then integrate the insights and learnings. The idea of seeking a vision is for the spirit and gifts of an individual to shine so they can share that with their community, supporting the progress of the whole.

The outcome is to leave with greater clarity, understanding of ourselves and our role, certainty and sense of belonging.


Acknowledgment - why is it so important and what does it actually do? 

This practice of acknowledging was also done in many many cultures around the world for millennia and now we have largely stopped doing this. It is commonly part of a rites-of-passage ritual. Now, there is currently a lack of formal processes for acknowledging/ honoring our growth, our gifts and place in our community. 

Coming together with likeminded, soulful women and being deeply seen for who we are is not just a rich sharing in the moment, it can be a potent milestone that sends our anchor down and places us more firmly on our path and purpose going forward.

It has the power to identify us to the core, fanning the flames of our gifts and soul purpose, re-enlivening and renewing our truest calling (also known as our telos or ultimate 'end/ goal/ fulfillment'). It was always an important part of a rites-of-passage process especially for integrating back into the community and being acknowledged for our new place or responsibilities.


When someone is acknowledged they are truly seen for who they actually are,  they come to life again. This is particularly important when it may have been chronically neglected/ forgotten. 

When we take the time to see, acknowledge & honor someone, that part of them responds and can literally come out of dormancy. It gives us a stronger taste of our true self and potential and can be life changing if we haven’t felt seen by anyone in a long time or have gone off our path due to getting caught up in prioritizing the wrong things. 

Its the part of ourself we need to connect with in order to remember who we really are, which in doing so, often inspires greater drive or hope for our future. It can provide greater trust in ourself because it can confirm what we already sensed on the inside, and its also the part of us that we can feel the most pride in. 

Then of course, there’s the integration part which is holding ourselves accountable and taking ownership of our life... taking action. This retreat will support you to spread your wings & go to your next level, whatever that is for you.

Grampians Women's Retreat

Ready to ditch not making enough time for you?.. here's an opportunity to simply give yourself permission

Want to uncover more of your passion and get even more grounded & clear on your journey?  

This divine retreat over 3 nights and 4 days will allow you the time & space to reconnect deeply with who you truly are, 

re-empower and re-birth yourself, envision and STEP INTO your next chapter. 

Its a rites-of-passage experience - 

meaning you can enter as the caterpillar and come out as the butterfly, having gained insight along the way. 

And have some fun!!

It's an invitation to be brave to shine your light, without the toxic energy of anyone else that would hold you back.

A yummy sisterhood space where you can continue to grow in inner-connection, meaning & belonging on your life journey, 

without neglecting yourself!

Come and connect with other women in a small group setting and leave feeling renewed, reborn, inspired... eyes wide open.

We will immerse in empowerment practices like yoga, dance, breathwork and sound therapy, with a focus on EMBODIMENT |

body-mind practice for reprogramming subconscious fears | storytelling | ritual | a Grampians hike - challenge. 

Read the list below to find out why we do each of these elements. The quest is blossoming your greatest potential & mastery:

Discover - learn/ refine emotional intelligence & mental fitness – the most important assets for ongoing mental-emotional & relationship health & happiness

Reconnect – Reconnect to your soul essence and beauty and use the power of this connection to strengthen esteem & heal the areas of life that are in need

Go Within - in order to blossom without. By taking the still time you need, you'll get to decrease stress and put your roots down further so your foundation /grounding is strong for everything you do and continue to create

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A womens empowerment experience = to renew

Halls Gap - Gariwerd April 11-14 2024

a place and time for you... and your dreams

with Gabriella Ferro

The Heroine's Journey

and Sheree Inglis

Grampians Wellbeing



Reinvigorate - Re-invigorate your purpose and your health on all levels: body - nutrition/ movement, voice, mind & spirit, so you can go forward boldly with clarity

Avoid - putting your needs down the priority list and your passions on the sidelines.... step into the centre!

Challenge yourself - work out your resilience, perseverance & determination muscles with a physical challenge, to support you to breakthrough mental limitations & continue to face what life deals you with more control

Envision - have a vision for your life, your future.. perhaps a vision greater than yourself that inspires your onward. See it to know it, feel it and belong to it

Experience sisterhood - connect with other women that embrace you.. let your hair down!! Women's space provides a sense of belonging and strength, beyond our other relationships.

Do things a 2024 way, self-care queen! Come and remember your purpose & worth at Gariwerd National Park in April. 


Ready to renew yourself and your dreams?

This is an invitation to back yourself..  avoid stagnation and never give up on yourself..

We want all women to receive the support they need to keep moving and blossoming with the next season of life


  • FULL RETREAT - ALL INCLUSIVE  $1350 (various sleeping options available)
  • TO APPLY TO ATTEND  >> please fill out your initial details below and we will be in touch to arrange a time for a brief check-in to confirm the retreat is the right one for you (*note: moderate-good fitness level is required)
  • If you have questions and would like to ask them straight up - just click here & select a time for a quick chat

To apply - please fill out your details below:

* if you are selected, booking is secured with $350 deposit


Teen girls confidence camp: Mon Sept 23 - 27, 2024

@Grampians Retreat, Dunkeld - Southern Gariwerd

A rites-of-passage/ coming of age experience for 14-17yr olds

Register your interest by emailing: with your daughters name, age and year level.

Thank you!


Gabriella is a coach, therapist, all round - womens empowerment facilitator, having studied and trained in wellness and healing arts for 20 years. 

Along her own 'heroine's journey' she went though 26 years of adversity (added it up), where the challenges were relentless and just didn't stop. 

After becoming a mum at age 20 then losing her dad at age 22, after already suffering an adolescence of abuse and self-harm, she found herself in a toxic relationship with a covert manipulator (different from a narcissist). And that was only the beginning of the parenting battle from hell.

Fast forward and she now has a beautiful 21yr old son, has got to live in Central Australia on community and learn from the Anangu women, did a degree in film production somewhere along the way, taught aerial yoga in Port Douglas FNQ and trained at the Rites-of Passage Institute in Byron Bay hinterland.

Her real passion however, is transforming the subconscious and liberating oneself from cycles of trauma - transmuting deep pain and poison back into the compost & fertilizer for our future potential.


Sheree is the owner of Grampians Wellbeing and offers integrated wellbeing for body, mind and soul. After far too many years experiencing stress, she quit her corporate job to teach yoga and wellbeing full time. 

It was here for the first time in her life she got to do a job that made other people happy and got to see first-hand, how yoga was changing lives, the exact same way it had for her.  

Her journey to wellbeing started with yoga and In the years since birthing Grampians Wellbeing, Sheree has expanded her knowledge and training and now offers reiki, breathwork, meditation and sound healing too.

Sheree will focus on enlivening flow yoga for our retreat so we can dance between masculine and feminine and find balance.




Gariwerd is the original name for the Grampians, meaning 'mountain range created by Bunjil' - who is the Creator Spirit and protector of the natural world, depicted as wedge-tail eagle. A place of great spiritual significance to the local Djab Wurrung and Jardwadjali traditional custodians. It is a very special place.. you just have to feel it for yourself to know.  It provides the perfect support for connecting deep within, reflecting & reigniting.

This part of Victoria is a stunning national park full of rock art, native wildlife including hoards of kangaroos that just hang out everywhere, wallabies, even emus and abundant bird life. It has world class hiking trails, waterfalls and lakes, majestic mountains and wildflowers. A natural beauty treasure!

Halls Gap is in the 'central Grampians' region and is the real heart of the area. The mountain ranges around Halls Gap include Mt William, Mt Rosea, the Wonderland range and the Pinnacle. The Grampians Peak trail is the world famous 13 day hike that people come form all over to experience. Then in southern Gariwerd you have Mt Abrupt, the Piccaninny and Mt Sturgeon.

Our retreat is held close to Halls Gap on a secluded 17 acres surrounded by nature. The hike we are doing is a surprise but as mentioned - moderate/ grade 3 hiking level is required (further details will be provided upon booking).


Jinchilla Farm

The accommodation is at a beautiful secluded farmhouse on 17 acres in Halls Gap called Jinchilla farm. From the property there are stunning views, we will be surrounded by fresh air, native wildlife, peace and quiet. Features are the firepit, large outdoor dining space, light-filled indoor space for yoga with indoor fireplace if needed, 

The rooms are shared and there are different sleeping options/ rooms available. Upstairs is a very large open space that hosts 4 beds and downstairs there are 2 rooms left available with either a bunk bed or a double. 

The venue was chosen thoughtfully to allow the group to sink into a sisterhood / 'family' vibe which will support group cohesion, opening up and perhaps being a little vulnerable. This can be expanding and healing and we invite you to drop any walls and step into this empowered femme zone! 

The standard retreat price includes a single bed. There is one queen and one double bed also available at a small extra cost.


The retreat is recommended for you if you:

  • Feel somewhat burned out from giving and are in need of replenishing and filling back up your cup
  • Are a bad-ass boss lady/ creative/ mum, on a mission and needs to refocus and gain clarity on what the next chapter is
  • Are going through a life transition and want support to navigate it, transform and rekindle yourself
  • Never really took enough time to meet your true self and now you want/ need to do more self-discovery
  • Desire to connect with sisterhood and make new friends.. broaden your network of soulful women
  • Know you are on your heroine's journey and are in need of support to help navigate the ups and downs


The retreat is fully catered for every meal and snacks, so you don't need to bring any food and can just come and be nourished!

Ash from Peaks Chefs (our masculine element) will be nourishing us daily with beautiful, nutritious, fresh food. He is a local boutique chef - caterer providing a healthy personalised menu for our retreat.

Some of the meals will be buffet style which will be a nice way to eat in our small group. Ash sources fresh produce form the local area and will focus on making our food flavoursome, healthy, uplifting and satisfying while not too heavy.

We will cater for gluten free or other specific requirements which you can let us know about when you book

What's included:

  • Accommodation for three nights and over four days in Halls Gap
  • Full catering for every meal plus snacks
  • Full program facilitation over 4 days including yoga, sound healing sessions, dance - embodiment, empowerment practices, nervous system reset support, group activities, activations and healings, camp fire and stories, quiet time for self in nature, a Grampians hike challenge, visioning 
  • Surprise welcome gift
  • New friends

        (not included is transport to the retreat)